
Do you want to help talented kids be discovered?
Join Supergenia team and help global kid community thrive!

Please choose a role that best matches your talent and personality:

  • Country lead (globally). You are an expert of a particular country (or countries) and can help us find partners to work with, parents to engage and companies who are looking for global youth talent.
  • Talent lead (globally). You know all about the specific talent(s), you have seen it all, maybe even experienced yourself and had a successful career in a particular talent industry.  You know the industry from different angles:  kids, agents, managers, parents and schools involved. You know what is the need of this talent community and can help us design tools/services to meet those.
  • Marketing intern (globally). You are super creative and have digital marketing experience. You are motivated to let the world know about Supergenia and all the work we are doing! With your help, we will reach to communities we have not been before and organize campaigns that are super exciting!

Write to us and introduce yourself!
Don’t forget to mention what is your Supertalent and how did you discover it!